Uncoast Area Header

PO BOX 12151, Gainesville, FL 32604
Help Line: (352) 376-8008


The Uncoast Area of Narcotics Anonymous is located in North-Central Florida and serves meetings in Branford, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City, and Palatka. We also host online meeting accessible from anywhere around the world.

Meetings in the Uncoast Area are held daily and can be located on our Meeting List. Please contact our Phone Line at (352) 376-8008 with any immediate questions or concerns. Please use our Contact form to reach all the Uncoast Area trusted servants, including individual group representatives.

Member of the public?

Request a presentation for your organization's staff by filling out the Public Relations Form at least four weeks in advance.

Virtual/Remote Meetings

Find a meeting: NAWS Meeting Search, NA Stuff, Virtual NA

Meeting Documents: Format, Readings


Just For Today (JFT) and Spiritual Principle of the Day (SPAD) meditation

What is Narcotics Anonymous Program?

"N.A. is a Fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem.  We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.

- NA Basic Text page 8

Online Donations

Only NA Members should donate to our fellowship. Neither NA nor the Uncoast Area is affiliated with PayPal.